While your well-off friends and acquaintances are fiddling with their Android Honeycomb powered smart phones and tablets are you relegated to just watching and drooling? What about the recently released 3D gaming console, are you to content yourself with staring at its picture in the product brochure so that we can imagine it in our hands in all its 3D glory?Or will you take the more proactive approach and join the lottery, hoping to win and use the winnings to purchase your desired gadgets? What about selling your kidney or trading it in for the latest and lightest laptop computer from Apple?Lucky for you, there is a less radical approach. You can get free gadgets of your choice! But how is this possible if you do not have a wealthy grandmother or uncle who would bequeath to you a sizeable amount of money, or a fairy godmother perhaps?Thanks to affiliate marketing, you can get free gadgets with relatively little effort. Since nothing really comes for free, some action is required on your part to acquire your gadget of choice. At least it will not entail shelling out cash on your part, which you do not have anyway.But first, a little explanation on affiliate marketing is required. This type of internet marketing method rewards affiliates for customers generated by the affiliates’ marketing efforts. The common rewards given are cash and gifts (like free gadgets), which are given upon completion of an offer and the referral of others to the site. Many merchants prefer this approach for the reason that it is “pay for performance” in nature, meaning that marketing expenses are not incurred unless results are accrued.By now, you should be very curious as to how these free gadgets could be acquired. What does one have to do? Basically the steps are as follows:1. Register for an account at a freebie site. There are a lot of these in the net. But watch out because inasmuch as there are legitimate sites, bogus ones also exist. There are reviews, proofs, and testimonials. It will not hurt to check them out. Although cash may not be involved in these activities, time and effort are. And you are better off using these facilities in legitimate and productive affiliate marketing activities.2. Complete an offer being promoted by the site. Note that there are offers, which would require you to pay a small amount. You may disregard these and opt instead for the free offers. You will have several free offers to choose from, but it is suggested that you select one which is appropriate for you and your network.3. You will have to refer relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc. to the site, and they will have to complete steps 1 and 2. Eventually, you may have to convince friends of relatives, relatives of friends and friends of acquaintances to join as well. Do you really have to get a lot of referrals to warrant being awarded the free gadget? Well it really depends on the value of free gadget which you chose. The more expensive ones would naturally necessitate more referrals.4. When you have reached the minimum number of referrals for your chosen device, wait for it to be delivered to your doorstep.The procedure is actually very simple, and this simplicity leads many to doubt its veracity. How can these outfits give away free gadgets? Won’t these dole outs cause them to lose money and eventually go bankrupt?For sure, the freebie site operator is not a fool to give away free gadgets for nothing. He is actually paid by the offer company for each and every completed offer, and this is what he uses to procure the rewards as well as the shipping charges. Being the sound businessman that he is, he will make sure that the total cost will be less than the amount he receives, so that he will net a profit. But what about the offer company, what benefit does it derive out of this activity? Some of the referrals may actually sign up for the service being offered by the company. They may end up being paying customers, and of course this is incremental revenues. So it is actually a win-win-win case with you getting your free gadget, the freebie site operator making profits, and the offer company increasing its revenues.So what are you waiting for? With the impending launch of another expected iconic gadget within the next few months, isn’t this the right time to get involved in affiliate marketing with the end in view of having the prescribed number of referrals by the time that device is officially introduced? Or probably you are still aching for that recently launched 3D gaming console which your friend has but is unwilling to lend you. You need not feel sorry for yourself any longer. Visit a freebie site in the internet. Check out the reviews, proofs, and testimonials. Go to another freebie site and compare. Eventually, you will find a site which you would be comfortable with, and you can register. Just follow the steps outlined above and you are on your way to getting your free gadget.When you receive your free gadget, what do you do next? Given that insatiable wants of individuals you will surely want to have more. And for sure newer and better devices will be introduced in the market in the near future. Probably the other game console manufacturer will come up with its own 3D version with a bigger screen and loaded with more features. Or a more powerful tablet will come to fore. You’ll never know what these gadget producers will come up with next. But rest assured that whatever product they develop, with the aid of affiliate marketing you will be able to acquire these for free.
Nutritional Supplements – A Waste of Money?
You may be surprised to learn that nutritional supplements vary significantly in quality and effectiveness. Even products with the same brand name may have very different results varying from some positive effects to no effect or, in some cases, harmful effects.Formulations are often thrown together using ingredients which have had lots of media attention, in an attempt to fill a demand and make some money at your expense. No thought goes into what nutrients are combined with what minerals or what enzymes.The fact is, you can’t simply cram a bunch of popular, high profile nutrients together in a pill and expect them to be of any benefit to your health. Without proper formulation, supplements will not have the nutritional cofactors and phytonutrients your body requires. As a result, your body will not recognize and absorb the nutrients and they will (hopefully) pass through your system with no benefit. I say hopefully because, in some instances, they will actually do more harm than good.Now you are thinking, “How can nutritional supplements harm me?” Read on and I will explain.To ensure nutrition is delivered to the cells of your body, it is necessary that each nutritional supplement contains a formulation specifically matched with quality whole food ingredients. In other words, each product contains the necessary enzymes, minerals and co-factors in the exact balance that is found in nature.This “delivery system” should:
Deliver the nutrients to the blood stream quickly,
Ensure the highest absorption possible,
Provide minerals and co-factors which promote optimum enzyme activity,
Guarantee that the nutrients are delivered to the cells of your body and
Support your body’s natural absorption processes.
What happens if the supplements I take do not have a delivery system?Coordinated enzymes and minerals must be present for nutrients to reach the cells of your body. As a result, certain minerals and co-factors are required in order for enzyme activity to occur. If they are not available, enzyme activity “robs” your body’s nutrient stores to make up the shortfall. Over a long period of time your health may suffer and in some cases, the effects may be irreversible.What is meant by the term “cellular nutrition”? Do the cells in my body actually eat? Yes! In a manner of speaking, they do eat.In 1942, the nutritionist Victor Lindlahr published “You Are What You Eat: how to win and keep health with diet”. (The phrase is actually much older but it appears that this publication is what brought it into the public consciousness) Since that time we have been obsessed with the notion that if we eat a well balanced diet we will ensure good heath and vitality.However, in recent history, nutritionists have discovered that it is not necessarily the nutrition we consume but the nutrition that is delivered to and absorbed by our cells that determines our health. This is why it’s important to ensure that each cell not only receives the nutrients it needs but receives it in a format that is recognizable and easy to absorb (eat).What can stop supplements from reaching my cells?If a nutritional supplement does not have the right molecular structure they may not be able to make the journey through the stomach and into the blood stream.Sometimes this can be a good thing. “Vitamin C from ascorbic acid” (have you seen this phrase on labels?), for example, contains only a fraction of the whole vitamin C. If this fractionated nutrient were to get through, the rest of the co-factors would have to be obtained so that it can be utilized. This “robs” your body of vital reserves and may result in unfavorable health conditions in the future.What happens when vitamins and minerals are not absorbed?When vitamins, minerals and herbs are not absorbed they can get into areas of your body where their presence will cause problems. Iron in your liver, for example, can cause liver damage because your body is unable to dispose of it. Other vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, D, E and K can cause similar problems in other organs.So, to answer the question posed at the beginning of this article…… Are Nutritional Supplements a Waste of Money?They can be if they do not include a strategy that ensures Cellular Nutrition Guaranteed but ….If your supplements incorporate a good strategy for Cellular Delivery along with:
100% all-natural raw materials that Obey the Laws of Nature,
Nutrition that fulfill your body’s needs not market trends,
A holistic formulation that does not interrupt or interfere with the harmony and balance of the natural functioning of your body and
Nutrition from whole food complexes (example: whole food vitamin) not fractionated or synthetic sources,
You will be surprised at the fantastic results you can achieve.”Guaranteed Cellular Delivery” – What a concept!
Top Green Web Hosting Companies
Green web hosting companies power their servers through renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Working online without any paper trail may seem green, but if the servers of a hosting company are emitting CO2 then the purpose of going green is defeated. Just a few companies started off with renewable energy back in 1996 during its infancy stage. Today, green web hosts are standing eye to eye in competition with larger web hosting services.Understanding the difference between regular and green web hostingBecause of the out-of-sight-out-of-mind psychology, a lot of people tend to forget the importance of choosing green web hosts for their online properties. Behind the scenes, we have data centers with computers, servers and cooling systems that consume significant amounts of power. The carbon released from these centers effect the environment directly.To offset that, green web hosting companies make it a point to use the electricity from renewable sources to run their business. They also implement ways to reduce the electricity consumption without compromising on the quality of services that they provide.Benefits of choosing a green web hostThe importance of reducing our carbon footprint is something that most people understand today, thanks to the WE campaign and other awareness building programs. Despite that, our website’s hosting service is the last thing that comes to mind when we’re greening our lifestyles. Yet, ironically, its one of the biggest contributors to ecological emissions. The value of switching to a green host is a viable business decision, because:Resource Optimization: Green web hosts ensure that customer requirements are balanced effectively with the resources at hand. They first determine the amount of power needed based on virtual simulations and then offer services to meet those needs.Renewable Energy: Green web hosts ensure that the power they require is provided by renewable and naturally available resources, such as wind and sunlight. Some web hosting services switch to lower-emission sources of energy such as propane. Although propane isn’t exactly a renewable resource, it is a good alternative because it can be produced in abundance and costs much less than fuel.Efficient Machines: Since data center servers consume high amounts of power, green web hosts prefer to go with machines which have a lower rate of CO2 and heat emissions — reducing the electricity and environmental cooling requirements in the long run. Furthermore, the machines are well maintained to avoid disposal after a few years.Efficient Layout and Management: Efficient layout of networks and servers in the data center improves cooling and electricity requirements to a great extent. Regular maintenance and management of the servers and networks also assist in reducing any unnecessary consumption in the long run.Service Levels: The service levels of all green web hosts are generally as good as other hosting services. Watch out for renewable power certifications to feel confident about their efficiency management levels.Measuring reliability and performanceThere is a common misconception that the reliability and performance of a green web host is not at par with their non-green counterparts. As with any other web hosting company, in order to measure its reliability and performance, we should look into the following factors:Customer Service: Given the nature of online businesses today, web hosting companies have to provide reliability and efficiency 24×7 to make sure that everything runs smooth.Minimum down time: Check the percentage of downtime of the green web host of your choice. There’s a big difference between 99% and 99.99% up-time in web hosting. Think about the effect it has on the market when popular apps like Twitter go down – they have to justify the Fail Whale’s presence to millions of users within minutes. Consumer expectations of service have changed with time, and they are often unforgiving when they can’t access your sites and applications. Remember, down-time directly effects bottom line.Cost: Get this straight – low price may not mean the best service. Evaluate your hosting needs and then decide if the cost of the package is justified, both economically and environmentally.User friendly: The interface and support system of any web hosting service should be user friendly. Since you might have to deal with the hosts in tense situations, it is best to choose the most usable, scalable and flexible services to make the interactions smooth.Easy installation of applications: Before buying hosting, make sure that it supports the applications that you will be using. For example, it should be able to support your preferred content management system for your business website or blog which may be on Drupal, Joomla, WordPress or other platforms.Top 5 eco-friendly web hostsAs more web hosting companies have started going green, the competition to get the attention of the eco-savvy crowd is becoming fierce. Here are 5 eco-friendly companies that stand out.SuperGreenSuperGreen services all user types, for this reason, it’s one of the highest ranked green web hosts in the industry. It focuses on providing all its services and reporting control online, while maintaining 99.9% server up-time. It also offers one free domain name for unlimited domains that you can add to your hosting package. SuperGreen provides 24×7 online customer support, and has also been awarded the Best Green Host award for 2009, with their operations primarily relying on wind power.GreenGeeksGreenGeeks offers a competitively priced green hosting service powered with wind, offering all the required server configurations and applications support that you would need for any of your websites and data requirements. With round the clock service, GreenGeeks supports their customers to the fullest at no additional cost. The website and its services have also been published in PC World in a 2008 review.HostGatorHostGator claims to eat up its competition. It offers an unlimited web hosting service at a nominal and highly competitive monthly rate, with all applications and server configurations support that you may need. It also has a large corporate presence, and focuses on facilitating resellers as well. The hosting servers and its data center are powered by wind.ThinkHostThinkHost started in 1999, motivated to run on 100% renewable energy, and continue to do so and rank amongst the top green global web hosting services. They also provide discounted hosting to non profit organizations, while providing efficient services to its regular customers on economical costs.DreamHostDreamHost has been in business for 11 years now with employees who themselves own and run the company successfully. They focus on CO2 neutralization, and economizing on resources to maximize power efficiency and also buying out carbon offsets and reducing their carbon footprint. Customer support is 24×7 with over 99% uptime.